SANKEN 2SA1295 Silicon PNP epitaxial planar transistor
The 2SA1295 is a silicon PNP Epitaxial Planar Transistor for audio and general purpose applications. LAPT (Large Area Parallel Transistor) line which use multiple thermally-coupled transistors in parallel. The result is composite transistors that maintain their excellent linear gain characteristics even at full output current and provide extended frequency response, typically to 40MHz. Best of all, however, is their extraordinary resistance to secondary breakdown. No other audio transistor can match Sanken for power handling at over 100V.
  • Complementry to 2SC3264
  • 2-Screw Mount Package


  • Suited for audio amplifier output stage 
  • LAPT (High frequency multi emitter transistor)
  • Complimentary part available.
  • Wide ASO

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SANKEN 2SA1295 Silicon PNP epitaxial planar transistor

  • Product Code: SK2SA1295
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 566.00INR